Though the earliest Christians had a competing story, in the Gospel of Luke, the Virgin Mary gets pregnant when the spirit of the Lord comes upon her and the power of the Most High overshadows her. 即使最早的基督教,也流行着一个故事,即在卢克福音中,上帝遇到圣母玛利亚,并且使圣母成功受孕。
It hasn't gone out yet to Gentiles, in the Gospel of Luke Jesus pretty much sticks with the Jews. 当时还没有向外邦人传道,在路加福音中,耶稣总是与犹太人一起出现。
As we'll talk about next week, one of the main themes of the Gospel of Luke and Acts is that good Jewish boys do good Jewish things. 我们下周会讲,路加福音与使徒行传的主题之一是,虔诚的犹太教徒遵守教规。
The Gospel of Luke was also intended to deepen Theophilus faith and to replace ill-founded reports about Jesus. 同时路加福音也是为了坚固深化提阿非罗的信心以及取代那些对耶稣的恶意报道。
( in the Gospel of Luke 16:22); the place where the just enjoy the peace of heaven after death. 死后享受天堂宁静的地方。
The Gospel of Luke is not a biography but it could have been thought of as a life. 路加福音并不是传记,但可以被看做是讲述某人人生。
The whole gospel of Luke can be summarised in these words Jesus spoke –" the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost"( 19:10). 路加福音的精神可以归纳成耶稣的一句话,“人子来,为要寻找拯救失丧的人”(19:10)。
That's going to be a theme that we'll see over and over in Acts; not so much in the Gospel of Luke. 这一主题在使徒行传中会反复出现;,在路加福音中倒不多。
So from the very beginning of the Gospel of John, you should know you're in a different world from the synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. 在约翰福音的一开头,你就应该知道它跟符类福音,是很不同的,马太福音,马可福音,路加福音。
Luke wrote both the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. 路加写的书有路加福音和使徒行传。
The last mention of Joseph occurs in the Gospel of Luke when he and Mary take the12-year-old Jesus to Jerusalem. 〈路加福音〉里最后一次提到约瑟,是在他和玛利亚带着十二岁的耶稣去耶路撒冷的时候。
If someone came to you with that reading of that text in the Gospel of Luke arguing for an adoptionist Christology, how would you argue against that interpretation? 如果有人带着《路加福音》那段经文的阅读材料,在你面前论证嗣子基督论,你会怎么反驳那种解读?
There are several things that this prologue to the Gospel of Luke tells us. 路加福音的这段,透露出了好几条讯息。
We're at still very early in the Gospel compared to what the rest of it is, and yet, what Luke is doing is turning your attention as a reader now to Jerusalem. 与后面的篇幅比,还能算是开头部分,但此时,路加开始把读者的注意力转向耶路撒冷。
In fact, you can find nothing in the Gospel of Luke which identifies the death of Jesus as being an atonement for sins of people. 实际上在路加福音中找不到任何,关于定义耶稣之死,是为人的罪恶赎罪的内容。
In the Gospel of Luke, Christ said the seed is the Word of God. 按照路加福音的记载,基督向门徒解释,种子是代表神的道。
It seems like he knows that for the Gospel of Luke anyway he's writing a bios of Jesus, a life of Jesus. 作者似乎知道路加福音,实际上写的是耶稣的一生。
So is Rome presented in the Book of Acts, and the Gospel of Luke, as a good force or a bad force, or an ambiguous force? 那么《使徒行传》和《路加福音》中的罗马,是一种好势力还是一种坏势力,还是一种模糊的势力呢?